Temari is a centuries-old Japanese folk craft. Temari are colorfully wrapped and embroidered thread balls, traditionally given as gifts symbolizing friendship and loyalty. In this class we’ll learn all the steps involved in making a Temari, including how to wrap the ball using thick and thin yarns, and how to measure, divide and mark the ball prior to stitching. We’ll learn how to plan and stitch geometrical patterns and how to secure and hide the embroidery threads ends. We’ll begin with a simple 4-division ball and then tackle a more complex 8-division piece. Temari balls can be hung as ornaments, they make great gifts, and they can brighten any space. The materials fee is $25.
Thursdays, 8 Weeks, 09/19 – 11/07, 2024
12:30 – 3:30 PM
Students must bring from home or purchase these materials for the class: embroidery scissors, pin cushion and needle threader.
Materials provided by the instructor:styrofoam balls, size 18 darning needles, 1.5” multicolored long pearlized pins, thick wool or cotton yarn for 1st wrap, sewing thread for 2nd wrap, 5/2 perle cotton yarn for embroidering, metallic marking thread
Materials Fee (payable to the instructor): $25
Class Fee: $180
(For Visitors only. Members do not need to sign up.)