
Painting in Acrylics
with Ida Schmulowitz (F24)

The focus of this class is painting from life. Beginning and advanced students will learn to paint in a setting that is both supportive and challenging. Close instruction will help students develop a keen eye for color and composition, allowing them to solve problems and develop their own style. In warmer weather class will be held on the grounds of the club. As the semester progresses, class will move inside to paint still life set ups. Each week the still life will be based on a painter from the past, starting with the 18th century and moving up to the modern still life so that students can see the progression of this genre. Beginning students will experiment with color mixing and paint value studies. More advanced students will solve more challenging color problems while painting more complex still life arrangements.

Drawing experience is preferred.

Wednesdays, 8 Weeks,  09/18 – 11/06, 2024

12:30 – 3:30 PM

Students must bring from home or purchase these materials for the class: Acrylic paints: lemon yellow and cadmium yellow medium, alizarin crimson and cadmium red light, ultramarine blue, cerulean blue, viridian green, raw umber, burnt sienna, yellow ochre, and a large tube of white. The paints can be any brand and can be student grade. (The cadmium colors can be hues.)

Brushes: Several different kinds of brushes, soft bristle or hog bristle, one flat, one filbert, one round (we will discuss brushes during the first class so just bring a few). Start with sizes 6, 8, and 10.

Paper palette (other palettes will be discussed in class), jar for water, small bottle of acrylic matte medium, 16” x 20” stretched canvas, pencil for sketching, eraser and small spray bottle (to mist the paints to keep them wet).


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